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Jordanian Society of Hematology-JSH

Welcome to JSH Society

Colleagues and friends I welcome you all in the newly established web site for the Jordanian Society of Haematology (JSH). This site is a golden opportunity to widen communications among Jordanian haematologists as well as their colleagues across the world, other medical specialits, professional medical societies and our patients across the Arab word. Since JSH was established in ………, we have been extensively conducting regular scientific and educational activities, regular international conferences and regular educational activities for the members of the society, the public at large; including patients societies and the rest of the medical societies. We believe that through this new site, we will extend further a wider interaction, communication and education among local haematologists, the patients, international professional bodies and young scientists interested in this field. The site will continue to evolve with new additions, participations, and contributions of our members, our patients and the scientific community at large. I look forward to your contributions and your interactions. Professor Abdalla Awidi Abbadi. MD. FRCP. FRCPath President of the society

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Upcoming Events

*The Second Scientific Forum of the Jordanian Society of Hematology.* *“Multi-Disciplinary Approach Update”* December 14th, 2024 at Intercontinental Hotel

*The Second Scientific Forum of the Jordanian Society of Hematology.* *“Multi-Disciplinary Approa

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Provide the clean water for the poor people.

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  • Amman.Jordan
  • 1(784)-775-97-377
  • info@jsh.jo
  • www.jsh.jo

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